Durand Eastman Golf Club

Presidents Message
Message from our new President, Brian Webster
Thank you for voting me in as president! That Abstain guy gave me a run for my money as he did for some of the other positions he ran for but to no avail, he can try again next year. For those that do not know me, I have been a member since 2004, served as secretary from 2015-2019, and tournament committee chairman and consultant over the last 8 or 9 years. I also became a life member in 2020. I want nothing but the best for this club. My goal for this term is to identify opportunities for improvement and enhance efficiency across member services, tournament operations, and administrative processes. By streamlining these areas, I hope to ease the transition for Officers and the Board of Directors, making the overall experience smoother and more effective. The board will begin meeting next week to start addressing these topics.
I hope to see everyone at the winter gathering (Date TBD), till then, have a safe and happy holiday season!