Durand Eastman Golf Club

Club Frequently Ask Questions
Q. What is the history of the club?
A. The Durand Eastman Golf Club (DEGC) was founded and play began in the summer of 1930. The
membership has played continuously at the Durand Eastman Golf Course ever since. The Club was one of
the five charter members of the Rochester District Golf Association (RDGA) and remains an active member to
this day. Members of the Club have won the RDGA Championship, the RDGA Junior Championship, and
have participated in the USGA Public Links Championship.
Q. What is the clubs affiliation with the golf course?
A. Durand Eastman Golf Club, Inc. (DEGC) is not affiliated with the golf course. The golf course is operated by a private business enterprise under contract with the county of Monroe. DEGC, Inc. is a private club,
recognized by the United States Golf Association (USGA) as a member club. We are categorized by the
USGA as a Non-Real-Estate club, which simply means that the club does not own a golf course.
Q. How do I become a member of DEGC?
A. Applications for new members are accepted between January 1st and June 30th of each year, subject to the limits of the size of the club, as set by the club constitution. Applications are available online at our website (Click the Application Form button on this page), or at the Durand Eastman Pro Shop. Instructions for completing and returning the application can also be found there.
Q. What does it cost to join?
A. New members pay an initiation fee of $25, plus their first years dues upon joining. Dues consist of GHIN fees (to maintain your USGA handicap index) and club administrative fees, which totaled $100 in 2015. The cost of the dues and the initiation fee is set each year by the board of directors and is subject to change.
Q. What do I get for my membership fees?
A. Each member in good standing will be given a USGA GHIN handicap, which allows you to play in any
tournament that requires a valid handicap. Members are able to play in any of the approximately 10
tournaments our club runs each year. We have a mid winter get together in January, and club meetings most monthsfrom March through September (food and drinks are provided by the club), and an annual banquet in October. Your membership dues cover the cost of your GHIN account and are also used to help pay for food at the club meetings, and to help defray the cost of tournaments. Each tournament has a separate entry fee, and the cost of the banquet is not included in the membership fees. However, all events are reasonably priced (usually between $15 and $30). The club also runs weekend sweeps and skins games every Saturday and Sunday throughout the golf season. In addition, we offer a Tuesday night golf league (cost not included) which is open only to members.
Because we have no formal affiliation with the golf course, greens fees are not covered by your membership.
You may purchase a daily or unlimited pass directly from the County which allows you
to play at any of the three county parks courses. Based on current pricing, it is usually advantageous to purchase an unlimited pass if you plan to play more than 25 rounds at the Parks courses.
Q. Do we get preferred tee times at the course or any other benefits?
A. Because we are not formally affiliated with the golf course, we do not receive any preferential treatment with respect to tee times or greens fees. The only exception to this is that we get a block of reserved tee times for our weekend games and for each of our tournaments.

New members welcomed at April '18 meeting